Celebration Practice + Yoga Nidrā
Instead of focusing on what you want to change, release or get rid of, give your attention and energy to what you do want, what you want to create. This is great to close out a calendar year and discover what you want to take with you while realizing what you want… you already have :) Of course this can be done monthly, seasonally, on your birthday… whenever you wish.
The first section is the full version and then below is an abridged version that you can use before doing the Yoga Nidrā and it will help you create an intention.
1. Write down everything you are proud of from 2022. These could be the standard accomplishments or milestones, a shift you made, a new outlook, establishing a routine or habit, a lifestyle change. There is nothing too small, so don't sell yourself short.
2. Write down the qualities or characteristics you embodied to accomplish each of the above. Something that helped in the process leading up to it or to establish a new habit, etc. This might look different than our typical "strength and hardwork" in accomplishing a goal. For example: it could be compassion or allowing or love that led you to take more self care time or go on a special trip. Or being open, understanding and listening which improved a previously tense relationship.
3. First notice if there are reoccurring qualities that showed up in multiple proud moments. Next, see if any of the qualities deeply resonate with you. Choose a few qualities [or all] and close your eyes and breathe and notice where you feel it in your body, how it feels [dense, open, tingling, pressure, soft, etc] and settle into this feeling within you. Now take these qualities with you into the new year knowing that everything you need is already within you. Water what you want to grow.
Short version and intention creation.
1. Pick one experience or moment you are proud of from the last year.
2. List the qualities or characteristics that you embodied for the one proud moment or experience you picked.
3. Close your eyes, breathe, feel each of the qualities individually in your body. Release them all and then breathe into your heart and see which of these qualities stands out or comes into awareness. Use this one as your intention for today's practice.