Life is a Comedy
If you prefer to listen to December 2022’s Newsletter, press play below [7 minutes]
Breaking for lunch during an all day training on zoom, I walk out to the garage to find that my dog had turned into a zebra. She was covered in soot from the wood burning stove... and I immediately started laughing and laughing and laughing. And that little lady didn't get cleaned up until after my training was done for the day.
Many many many moons ago, my reaction would have been quite different which also means my experience of that lunch break and probably the rest of my day would have been quite different as well. That instant laughter is the GOLD... that naturally shows up from being steeped in Yoga.
Being human, yes, I still have times where my first reaction in a less than ideal situation won't be laughter, where I will have to notice the initial reaction or trigger and choose how I want move forward, but the more "disciplined" and committed I am to my daily practices of Yoga- nidrā, asana, meditation, breathwork, spiritual deep dives- the more effortlessly I show up to life with a lightness.
One of my teachers shared recently that Seriousness is the only spiritual crime. And it doesn't need punishment because the crime itself is punishment. I think this saying can be applied to life as a whole. There may be times that necessitate being serious, but if you look at many of the great sages, gurus, wisdomkeepers of the world, you can always find laughter and a lightheartedness among their teachings.
Coincidentally, this month's theme or exploration is the archetype of The Comic. I blindly drew this card last December when I picked cards for every month of the year. Some elements that stand out...
"Though dismissed by some as low-brow or unsophisticated, this archetype actually has a highly advanced mind (some may use the word "genius"), as humor requires one to "see" the situation from afar rather than to be swept away by the drama. The comic sees and accepts the messiness of life..."
”Go Deeper: images of laughing Buddha”
Journal, practice in life, draw, contemplate…
I encourage you to explore The Comic in your own life this month. The holidays can be a perfect opportunity for this with family, gatherings, busy-ness, chaos, travel, etc.
Where can you find laughter or humor while in the messiness of life?