A meet up for outdoor athletes* aiming to build a community that supports each other post accident, through recovery & the years beyond. An opportunity for people to share their stories, what works & what doesn’t, the struggles, the successes or you can come to just listen. Each rendezvous will also incorporate some mindfulness, meditation, & yoga principles as tools to carry with you.
Navigating your way back to the outdoors can be confusing, frustrating, and, at times, feel isolating. Not only have you lost [temporarily or permanently] something that brings you joy, but you have lost your community during this time of recovery. As awesome as your friends might be, they don’t completely understand what you’re going through, and they are still getting out while you are physically & mentally rebuilding.
The hardest part… you may never want to go back to the sport you were doing pre-accident… AND THAT IS OK
The coolest part… if you still want to get after it, you now have a community of athletes to support you in exploring different ways to enjoy the outdoors.
Any outdoor athlete* whose experience has been altered from an accident in their sport. You could have been the one mountain biking, you could have been the one belaying someone during an accident, or you may have been a witness to an avalanche.
Whatever it is, you find yourself feeling different in the outdoors than you did before the accident.
* ”athlete(s)” is intended for anyone recreated regularly in the outdoors; there is no designated level of athleticism required to participate.
This program is not a replacement for medical or psychological care. The leader of this program has training to work with PTS(d) in a yoga capacity and is not a medical professional. Any information provided in the meet up groups is solely based on the personal experiences of the leader & other participant and does not scientifically claim to heal symptoms resulting from trauma.
Although every athlete has a different experience, we share the common thread & understanding that something has changed in us. Through sharing our stories, not only do we find the space to work through our own challenges, we have the potential for other athletes to find tools that might work for them. In the very least, our stories help us to realize that we are not alone [or crazy] in this process.
Fear originates from the past & the future. When we can move beyond “the what was’s” of the past or “the what if’s” of the future and be fully present, we have the opportunity to create a new truth for ourselves. It never becomes a given, however with practice, the hope is for it to become easier.
This is hard for most of us. The fuel to our fire is pushing our boundaries, striving to be better, to do more; so in our minds, status quo gets you nowhere. Acceptance is not complacency. It is simply acknowledging that where you are is just that, it doesn’t mean it’s where you’ll be tomorrow because that’s sure as hell not where you were yesterday. When we can accept, we can free ourselves of the control, we can let go of who we were, and follow the progress wherever it takes us.
meet ups
the community meet up group is focused on sharing [or listening to] our experiences of recovering from an outdoor sports based accident. by sharing how we are navigating the process, the hope is to find common connection and create an empowering environment to support each other through our own journey. each meet up will open & close with breathwork, mindfulness & meditation practices.